GAM Products, Inc.
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Custom Composite Patterns by GAM

In these difficult financial times where budgets have been slashed, what can you do to make your productions look as good or better than ever? Use GAM Patterns and your imagination to create scenic elements and backdrops that have never been seen before. Combining Patterns into new scenic elements is easy and economical, it offers the lighting designer a lot of opportunity
to be extremely creative. Combinations of GAM Gobo Patterns can be explored by clicking on Virtual TwinSpin™. Select any
two Patterns and superimpose them to see what they might look like in the gate of an ellipsoidal spotlight. Imagine the power
of GAM Patterns!

Here are some combination examples, created in minutes:

All photos taken with a 575W ETC Source 4 ERS with a 50 degree lens at 20 feet.


1. Arrange multiple patterns behind one another to produce a brand new image. This can be done with real patterns or virtually in Virtual TwinSpin on where you can combine any two GAM patterns together to see what unique image they produce.


2. Decide which parts of the patterns are going to form the projection and cut away what you don't want using scissors. We recommend large scissors for taking out most of the image and then cuticle scissors or small tin snips to remove the more delicate pieces of the Gobo.

  1. Small Tin Snips
  2. Small Scissors
  3. Cuticle Scissors
  4. Large Scissors
  5. Gobo Tape

3. Using GAM Gobo Tape: arrange the cut patterns on top of one another to create the projection desired, then tape the pieces together.


4. Place the composite pattern in a pattern holder and trim to fit your pattern holder. You have now made your exclusive, unique composite projection.





Patterns #201 French Doors & #211 City Skyline  

With no GamColor® added.


With GamColor® 890 placed halfway
down in the gel frame.



Pattern Sizes/Specifications | Alphabetical List | Numerical List | Virtual TwinSpin | Composite Patterns

The time in Los Angeles, California is 06:31 am Wednesday, October 16, 2024.
The GAM staff is on duty to answer your questions from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday (except holidays).
For assistance, call toll free in the US and Canada 888-GAMCOLOR or 323-935-4975 (Country code 1).

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